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  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the selfhosted.cafe moderators.

  1. Do not abuse, belittle, or insult anyone. Hate speech and harassment of any users on this server or other Mastodon servers or other federated systems is completely unacceptable. Any reports of abuse, in any form, will be logged and will lead to a ban.
  2. No spamming.
  3. Do not discuss piracy (including how to skirt software licensing). This isn't a warez forum. The discussion of software such as Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr and similar software is allowed, but discussing where to get content from is not allowed.
  4. NSFW content is strictly off limits.
  5. This Mastodon server is not an advertising platform. If you come here with the sole intent of advertising your services, you will be removed.